Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween: Baby Style!

This year's Lost Valley Halloween theme was "Above the Clouds," so I went as a baby carried by a stork! I couldn't find a girl outfit, so I had to be a boy baby, but it made the costume even better I think.It was a night to remember, hahaha.

Not much has happened since my last post not even a week ago. But, my birthday is coming up in a few short days! Mom sent me a package, but I can't open it until Sunday! It sits next to me as I type this, and it is teasing me.

Staff meeting tonight made me again think about the sovereignty of His will. Even though we have free will, He is sovereign. Even when we make a "bad" decision, He is sad and disappointed for us, yet He knew that we would make that choice, and He still uses that bad choice for His glory in the end. We need to continue and strive to live every day under the direction of His moral will. Only when we truly follow Him will we gain the peace and freedom that follows. In EVERY decision, little or big, I will strive to follow His will.

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